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Colour Fest Dried Flower Bouquet

Colour Fest Dried Flower Bouquet


This sustainable and colourful dried bouquet brightens up any living room or bedroom! The mix of colored dried flowers provides a playful and cheerful effect. This dried bouquet is a real mood maker and is guaranteed to bring a smile. The perfect surprise for happy moments such as a birthday, new home or just because! Nice tip: divide the dried flowers over several vases for a really playful effect!


Additional Information

Weight: 121g

Dimensions: 42cm x 23m x 23cm

Contains: lagures painted bordeaux, triticum old pink, avena, polypoqon painted orange, statice blue, lagures natural, helichrysum yellow

Do not eat & do not keep them next to the heater to maintain quality

This sustainable and colourful dried bouquet brightens up any living room or bedroom! The mix of colored dried flowers provides a playful and cheerful effect. This dried bouquet is a real mood maker and is guaranteed to bring a smile. The perfect surprise for happy moments such as a birthday, new home or just because! Nice tip: divide the dried flowers over several vases for a really playful effect!


Additional Information

Weight: 121g

Dimensions: 42cm x 23m x 23cm

Contains: lagures painted bordeaux, triticum old pink, avena, polypoqon painted orange, statice blue, lagures natural, helichrysum yellow

Do not eat & do not keep them next to the heater to maintain quality