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Talking Tables Party Balloon Bunting

Just in case anyone isn't clear about where they are, why not decorate your space with these big, bold balloons that spell out PARTY! Yup, this ain't no bake sale, county fair or AGM, make no mistake. It's a P to the A to the R to the T to the Y! Simply inflate and string up the balloons as bunting. Or you could even use them as photo booth props. Just don't get the letters muddled. There'll be far less interest in a TARPY.


Just in case anyone isn't clear about where they are, why not decorate your space with these big, bold balloons that spell out PARTY! Yup, this ain't no bake sale, county fair or AGM, make no mistake. It's a P to the A to the R to the T to the Y! Simply inflate and string up the balloons as bunting. Or you could even use them as photo booth props. Just don't get the letters muddled. There'll be far less interest in a TARPY.